Thursday, June 23, 2011

Unit 3

Karen Blanco: La Top Model zulia.

     The entire Zulia, Venezuela was shocked after the 3.50 am on Tuesday May 31, 45 caps fall to the ground, taking the lives of Karen and Hugo Morales Virginia, just outside the Hall of festivities Sicily, Cecilio Acosta.

     Was 26 years old.  She had his own house, a van and shared her modeling career with other businesses. She lived for his family, was his adoration, his mother did nothing without consulting her. According to confessions, the model had a feeling that something bad would happen.

    The stunning beauty of Karen Virginia, plus a good deal of selfishness that every aspiring model should possess, the win was important awards of the international beauty, crowned "queen" in several contests, but even that's able to protect their executioners.

     The investigations were not easy for the hounds CICPC much misinformation circulating in the media, and few relevant data were obtained. Jealous men willing to kill, prisoners wanting revenge and drug cartels, were the theories that became great in the media, but this does not fool the officials, were nothing more than speculation.

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